Start time: 12:00 Noon EST
Date: Wednesday, January 18th, 2023
Duration: 60 minutes
As seasoned and emerging leaders, you know that creating your leadership vision is critical to leading and living your life by design, not default.
But like most leaders, life happens, you get busy being busy and you miss out on achieving the goals you have for your company, department and team.
More importantly, you miss out on achieving your goals and dreams.
Regardless of where you are in your leadership journey, having a solid foundation is essential for your success, professionally and personally.
In this webinar series, Being Brilliant At The Basics of Leadership, you will explore the importance of having a leadership vision and how you can craft your leadership vision so you can be the kind of leader others want to follow, not have to.
You will learn and we will share with you:
> What is your leadership vision
> Identify 4 reasons your leadership vision is important
> Apply The Forward Principle to help you craft your vision
> And more…